Game of Thrones S8E4 Recap – The Last of the Starks

Funeral for a Friend

The good guys won last week, but not without a cost. It’s time for a funeral. Dany says goodbye to Friend Zone. During this whole scene, I keep looking at Dany’s three headed dragon pin. I love it. It’s 3D and everything. That would look cool on my denim jacket. When is someone going to release that?

Sansa mourns Theon. Sure, he betrayed their family, but he saved her when it counted and he was a brother to her. She leaves a Stark crested hairpin stuck in his tunic.

The dead are many. Their piled funeral pyres look like a small town of buildings from afar. Wait, didn’t the recently dead but reanimated good guys turned wights all turn to dust Infinity Gauntlet style when the Night King was destroyed? Or did I watch The Long Night too soon after Avengers: End Game? I must be confusing things, because there’s Lyanna Mormont’s body and she was definitely a wight last episode. Hey, Ghost lives! He’s beaten up and very bloodied, but living. Yay. Jon eulogizes Theon, Friend Zone and a whole bunch of extras. I’m still salty about the lack of real character death last week. They light the funeral pyres. Clouds of black smoke fill the air. Man, the smell of that place right now must be overwhelming.

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